
Showing posts from October, 2009

Breaking Up - Emotional Affair

When it comes to affairs, there would be several different ways you can hurt the one you love, just like there are different types of affairs you could have that could have the same end result. The recently popular hit 'Glee' has brought on new prospects of music, but mainly they pointed out two characters who essentially bare the perfect onset of an affair. Will Schuester and Emma Pillsbury work together in high-school, but to give a brief introduction for those who would not be familiar with the show; Will is a married man who simply carries emotional feelings for Emma. Glee uses music as an essential way to relate to life and words that define it. Music is a way anyone can express themselves when they can't say it out loud. You must be wondering how would these fictional characters reflect the true image of real life? That is simply because what they've been true, is what anyone could say they've been true. They portray the image of what others have experi